Home News Officer Dunn sacked after attack on puppy

Officer Dunn sacked after attack on puppy

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Martin Dunn sacked

Police Sergeant Martin Dunn, who was employed by Greater Manchester Police’s Specialist Operations Branch, became enraged when his five-month-old springer spaniel Frank defecated on his living room carpet. The harrowing footage of the incident was presented in Leeds Magistrates’ Court in April 2021 and Dunn could be heard shouting: “You little b****rd!”

A vet testified to the court that when he raised his voice at Frank, the puppy exhibited an “extreme fear” response.

The court heard that Dunn was overwhelmed with anger on the day of the assault on Frank. Probation reported that the officer had taken part in the terrorist event at Manchester Arena in 2017 and had been suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder without being aware of it.

Dunn, who resides in Albion Gardens, Meltham, admitted to an act of animal cruelty in a past hearing and was given a sentence including a community order demanding 120 hours of unpaid work and a prohibition against keeping animals for five years.

Greater Manchester Police have now terminated his employment. A spokesperson of the force reported that he was assigned to duties with limited authority since the incident was reported and investigated by West Yorkshire Police, and he accepted the charge of gross misconduct during an independent disciplinary hearing at GMP Force Headquarters on 2 May 2023, leading to his dismissal without any prior warning.

Chief Superintendent Michael Allen, Head of GMP’s Professional Standards Branch, said: “Greater Manchester Police expects the highest standards of conduct from its officers, both on and off duty, and Dunn’s actions clearly fell far short of these standards. The vast majority of police officers and staff fulfil their duties in serving the public to the highest standard and demonstrate exemplary behaviour in their private lives.

“Public trust and confidence in the police is vital and GMP does not underestimate the importance of officers and staff demonstrating the highest standards of professional behaviour towards not only members of the public but also to animals. Having a criminal conviction for animal cruelty makes Dunn wholly unsuitable to continue serving as a police officer and his cruelty towards Frank the dog is ultimately why he has lost his job.

“Dunn’s actions, which have rightly been condemned by the public and his colleagues, bring the profession into disrepute and damage the confidence the public has in police officers. I would like to thank West Yorkshire Police, who investigated this case criminally, and, working with the Crown Prosecution Service, secured the conviction at criminal court.”

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