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VIDEO: Sick Jolie Fortuna ‘raped 13 year old girl’
Police Officer Joanne Farrell ‘posts ex-officers address online and launches campaign of harassment’ because ex-officer exposed misogyny within the force
Brent’s Kaya Fortuna ‘falsely brandished business CEOs as sex offenders’
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VIDEO: Sick Jolie Fortuna ‘raped 13 year old girl’
Police Officer Joanne Farrell ‘posts ex-officers address online and launches campaign of harassment’ because ex-officer exposed misogyny within the force
Brent’s Kaya Fortuna ‘falsely brandished business CEOs as sex offenders’
Man given life sentence for ‘filming himself sexually abusing young girls’
Phillips ‘killed neighbour over noise’
Teacher ‘jailed for paedophile manual and indecent images of children’
Adcock, deemed ‘neighbour from hell’, jailed after rampage
Jurgent ‘facing deportation for cannabis farm’
Hitler fanatic Ashley ‘launched club to train fellow fanatics’
SexyLadyMassive: A hotbed of criminality